FA Level 1 in Coaching Futsal

Adult Friday Night Futsal

We are delighted to announce that Adult Friday Night Futsal sessions are coming to Lincoln.

The FA Snickers Just Play programme provides the casual footballer a chance to turn up to a venue and play football or futsal.

The Just Play kickabout is recreational futsal at its best – it’s about turning up for an hour of exercise and a bit of fun. It’s an alternative participation opportunity for those who can’t or don’t want to commit to an eight-month long season of matches and training.

The Just Play futsal sessions are being delivered through the Sir Isaac Newton Futsal organisation who have a rich history in delivering futsal specific events, including tournaments & training sessions.

The futsal sessions will take place at Lincoln College (Deans Sport & Leisure) on Friday evenings between 7-8pm and are open to anyone above the age of 16, with the first session taking place on Friday 12 November

If you, as an individual, or as part of a group of friends wish to get involved with futsal, then this is the perfect opportunity for you. Futsal is an intense, exciting format of the game which supports and encourages ball skill, flair, and creativity amongst a host of other attributes including fitness and decision making. 

Individuals can sign up to one or multiple sessions by following the link below:


For more information on the futsal sessions, or if you have any questions, please contact Jake Park (Lincolnshire FA) at Jake.Park@lincolnshirefa.com or Paulo Pires (Sir Isaac Newton Futsal) on sirisaacnewtontournament@gmail.com