Statement - Lincolnshire FA County Cups 2020/21
Lincolnshire FA’s County Cup Committee met on Thursday 10 December to discuss the future of the County Cups for the 2020/21 season and it is with great regret that the committee unanimously agreed for the 2020/21 County Cups to be cancelled for the following reasons:
• Current Covid-19 restrictions in place due to the tiered system
• Unnecessary travel across tiered areas
• Unable to make up current lost rounds of the competitions
• Health and safety of players and officials
• Priority given to leagues to complete fixtures
We understand this will come with a huge amount of disappointment for all involved, as we know you all look forward to playing in the Lincolnshire FA County Cups every season.
However, this decision has not been taken lightly and due to the uncertain future of grassroots football in these unpresented times, we don’t feel it is appropriate to run the County Cup competitions for the 2020/21 season.
We look forward to welcoming clubs into County Cup Competitions for the 2021/22 season.
If you have any questions on Lincolnshire FA's County Cups, please contact our Football Services Officer, Stuart Houlton on